Regular Rate - $520

Sacred Activism

Meeting our Challenges as Gateways for Cultivating Relational Leadership

Live Online Course with Nina Simons & Deborah Eden Tull

Oct 30 - Dec 4, 2024
Wednesdays 10 am - 12 pm (PT)

Full Course Details

As we face so much accelerated and multi-faceted change, we are each called to serve what we love and want to protect from the deepest parts of our being. Sacred activism speaks to what inspires, guides and resources us to serve life, while integrating deep listening, collaboration and restoration. It goes to the root of cultivating regenerative change. Although our society has long polarized the sacred and activism as binaries, this emergent field may be what is most needed for cultivating personal and collective relational leadership.

Most of us have grown up with cultural norms that have conditioned us to avoid what’s difficult, challenging, or painful. We turn away from or ignore the tough stuff, and often don’t engage with conflict or make space to fully process loss. Centuries of ingrained biases often have us elevate the principles of action, strategic thinking, winning, scale and brute force, while devaluing stillness, embodiment, cooperation, humility, relational intelligence, compassion, and listening.

But if we reorient ourselves, we may recognize that the challenges, traumas, and adversities we face in life are life’s ways of honing and strengthening us. What if, as Buddhist teachings note, obstacles do not block the way, but are the way?

Join us to explore sacred activism and relational leadership. Celebrating the learning that happens through your own lived experience and discoveries, this workshop will offer you new practices and orientations to life. All are welcome.

This course will run from October 30 - December 4, 2024, with classes taking place on Wednesdays from 10 am - 12 pm (PT). Classes will be held via Zoom, and recordings of each class will be available for registrants not able to attend a class here and there.

Bioneers Learning offers a limited amount of scholarships for individuals to attend this course. These scholarships are meant to ensure diverse participation and representation, prioritizing financial support for persons from under-resourced communities. Bioneers values bringing together people from a multiplicity of identities and backgrounds. We encourage persons from ALL backgrounds/identities/communities to apply! You are welcome here, apply now: