Regular Rate - $520

Indigenizing the Law: Tribal Sovereignty & the Rights of Nature

Live Online Course with Britt Gondolfi

Aug 13 - Sept 17, 2024
Tuesdays 1 - 3 pm (PT)

Full Course Details

Tribal Sovereignty has been under attack by the Federal government, the court system, and the States since the country's inception. Every year, new cases threaten the legal status of Tribes and their right to self-govern. In addition to the attacks on sovereignty, persistent ecological threats and undesirable developments are encroaching on Indian Country. Our current laws and legal precedents put Tribal Nations in a constant defensive position, protecting the natural world and their right to self-determination. Between these two battles, for sovereignty and the planet, the Rights of Nature movement presents an opportunity and strategy to take an affirmative stance for both.

This course examines the prominent cases, laws, and legal theories that makeup "Federal Indian Law" while exploring the intersections between the movements for Native Sovereignty and the Rights of Nature. It covers the legal history that brought us to the mess we are in while positing what might happen if Tribes across the country asserted their rights to self-determination and the Rights of Nature.

The course is open to everyone who wants to learn strategies for protecting Tribal lands and waters in Indian Country. We especially welcome youth to this course and strongly encourage Tribal grassroots organizers, Educators, Administrators, Officials, and Lawyers to join us. Allies of Tribes are welcome to attend!

At the end of the course, you’ll leave feeling informed and empowered to make positive change happen for your Tribe. The “law” is just a series of stories that create a system. We hope this course is an entertaining and informative story-time that will fire you up to “Indigenize the Law.”

This course will run from August 13 - September 17, 2024, with classes taking place on Tuesdays from 1 - 3 pm (PT). Classes will be held via Zoom, and recordings of each class will be available for registrants not able to attend a class here and there.

Bioneers Learning offers a limited amount of scholarships for individuals to attend this course. These scholarships are meant to ensure diverse participation and representation, prioritizing financial support for persons from under-resourced communities. Bioneers values bringing together people from a multiplicity of identities and backgrounds. We encourage persons from ALL backgrounds/identities/communities to apply! You are welcome here, apply now: